Sports Nutrition
With Katie Jeffrey MS, RDN, CSSD, MB-EAT-QI, LDN
I am a licensed registered dietitian nutritionist, a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Nutrition, a Licensed Be Body Positive Facilitator and the co-leader of IOCDF’s Eating Disorder and OCD Special Interest Group. As a weight-neutral and Health at Every Size (HAES) dietitian nutritionist, I promote a non-diet mindful and intuitive eating and fueling philosophy.
Did you know that nutrition is often the missing link to reaching full athletic potential?
I am passionate about empowering athletes who are feeling confused and unsure how to fuel and hydrate their bodies due to the mixed messages they receive from the media and others to listen to their inner wisdom. Through this process they can better observe their body’s internal cues and responses so that they can decide how best to apply sports nutrition guidelines to their sport, training schedule, food preferences and lifestyle to achieve peak athletic performance and reach optimal health and well-being.
Finding this balance can be confusing and overwhelming since we are constantly inundated with advice (which may or may not be accurate) about what to eat and drink to achieve greater endurance and speed, build stronger muscles, and recover faster to achieve peak athletic performance.
I sift fact from fiction in order to provide you with the tools to optimally fuel AND nourish your body. I also provide support and compassion during your journey to help empower you to listen to your inner wisdom because you are the expert of your body.
Working together as a team you will learn how to optimally fuel your body which will lead to:
1. Peak performance. Your speed, strength, power and stamina will be at its best.
2. Improved academic performance, mood, and decision-making
3. Postponed fatigue and enhanced energy levels during exercise and all day long.
4. Better and faster recovery.
5. Minimized soreness and inflammation
6. Reduced injury risk and improved return-to-play time after injury or surgery.
7. Enhanced immunity.
8. Ability to excel as an athlete for many years.
I am able to provide telehealth appointment in the following states: AK, CA, CT, FL, HI, ID, IN, MA, NH, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, TX, UT, WA, WI, WV, WY.