Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is characterized by thoughts, images, sensations or urges also known as obsessions that trigger heightened levels of anxiety, distress, discomfort and even disgust. Because these experiences can be so distressful individuals engage in compulsive behaviors, avoidance or rituals in an attempt to get rid of, or control their obsessions and the distress associated with them. This cycle of obsessions and compulsions is often very time consuming and debilitating, preventing the individual from living a full life.
Common symptoms of OCD include:
Fear of causing harm
Fear of being harmed
Fear of contamination
Experience of extreme disgust
Concern with body sensations
Need for symmetry or exactness
Intolerance for uncertainty
The repeated cleaning of inanimate objects
Excessive checking
Ritualistic counting
Avoidance of certain places, experiences or things
If one or more of the above symptoms are present for you, please know you don't have to suffer and treatment is available. We specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure and Response prevention which research shows it provides the best results for the treatment of OCD. Exposure therapy is tailored to meet your own individual needs and so we provide in office exposure, as well as outside of the office and home visits.